Computer Science, Featured | October 17, 2023
This page contains the details of the code developed for my MSc dissertation titled, “Procedural Generation of Datasets for Training Hand Pose Estimation Systems”, at the University of Dublin, Trinity College.
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Holoway: A VR Meeting Room
Computer Science, Featured | June 20, 2023
Virtual meeting app for remote collaboration in VR. Enables real-time interactions, content sharing, and object manipulation. Challenges: network development, streaming, gesture tracking, cross-platform functionality.
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Echoes of Time – Unreal Engine 5
Computer Science, Featured, Video | June 15, 2023
This project focused on creating a fictitious movie trailer with interactive capabilities using Unreal Engine 5. The trailer featured several distinct and contrasting scene sequences, highlighting different animated elements and concepts.
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LTC-based sheen models
Computer Science, Featured | May 2, 2023
This project presents two OpenGL implementations of sheen models for simulating cloth-like surfaces inspired by Zeltner et al.’s work. It utilizes linearly transformed cosines (LTC) for accurate rendering, with the first implementation employing a precomputed lookup table and the second using a continuous function for cosine values.
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Video tracking and trajectory abstraction for automatic annotation applied to tennis
Computer Science, Featured, Theses and dissertations | March 30, 2020
There are several automatic annotation systems for tennis matches currently on the market in addition to several algorithms reported in the literature without widespread real-world use. These solutions are based on diverse technologies and require different resources to be deployed during their installation and exploitation. In this bachelor’s thesis, we propose a solution to perform […]
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